Promises for those who long for Him? Do you? Do you require His Presence in your life? Oh Lord, yes I do. Such a wonderful promise here. Let’s pray:
Lord I see echos of Christ in this, echos of eternity in this. Help us really understand it, Lord, and help us desire You above everything else. Thank You, Lord.
Isaiah 65:8-10 – Amplified Bible
8 This is what the Lord says,“As the new wine is found in the cluster,
And one says, ‘Do not destroy it, for there is a blessing and benefit in it,’
So I will do for the sake of My servants
In order not to destroy all of them.
9 I will bring forth descendants from Jacob,
And an heir of My mountains from Judah;
Even My chosen ones shall inherit it,
And My servants will live there.
10“And [the plain of] Sharon will be a place for flocks to graze,
And the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds,
For My people who seek Me [who long for Me and require My presence in their lives].”
Promises…Not everyone will be destroyed. His servants will live. Those who long for His coming and require His presence in their lives, those are the ones He knows and will rescue, deliver, give the inheritance to. All because of and through Christ Jesus. The heir of Jacob. The only Way, Truth, and Life. Blessed Be His Name.