It’s Bible Study day! Yes, I do study more than this, but this is the main time I study a whole chapter. I’m so glad you’re here to join me in this. We’re in the second chapter of 1 Timothy today.
You’ll need something to write with, and on, plus an NIV and maybe the Message too.
Let’s begin with prayer:
Lord Jesus, this one is short. We want to see what you have for us to see in this. Thank You for this letter and these words and the rain as I write and the way spring has all the trees fully greened too. Thank You for this place to write, the readers of this study, the way You are always right here as my ever present help. Lead us, Lord. For your glory.
Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Instructions on Worship
Why are we urged to pray for everyone, even those in authority? .. That we may live ___________ and _________ lives in all ___________ and ______________.
And we should do that why?
This is _______, and ________________________________, who wants ____________________________________ and to come to a ______________________________________. (Write out these verses as I know filling it in on a webpage is a lot harder. So write it on your paper. Like a prayer and a promise.)
What is the subtitle this chapter? Can we use it to understand what we’re about to read?
Read 1 Timothy 2:5-7
There is one God. Who is the mediator? _____________.
A herald: an official crier or messenger (Merriam Webster)
This message is _________ because Paul is a true and ________ teacher of the Gentiles.
Read 1 Timothy 2:8-15 MSG
8-10 Since prayer is at the bottom of all this, what I want mostly is for men to pray—not shaking angry fists at enemies but raising holy hands to God. And I want women to get in there with the men in humility before God, not primping before a mirror or chasing the latest fashions but doing something beautiful for God and becoming beautiful doing it.
11-15 I don’t let women take over and tell the men what to do. They should study to be quiet and obedient along with everyone else. Adam was made first, then Eve; woman was deceived first—our pioneer in sin!—with Adam right on her heels. On the other hand, her childbearing brought about salvation, reversing Eve. But this salvation only comes to those who continue in faith, love, and holiness, gathering it all into maturity. You can depend on this.
What is at the bottom of all of this?
What is this?
But salvation only comes to those who ________ (write out those two sentences.)
Praise be to You, dear Lord, for the freedom and the completeness we have in You. Thank You for these words and this lesson. And the way You work in my life and the lives of anyone else reading this. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.