Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the final chapter of Daniel. We’re still in the AMP due to this being part of the vision that started in chapter ten. I’m so glad you’ve come to study with me.
Before we begin, though, let’s pray.
Thank You, Father, for this book, and the prophecy that tells us what has and what will come. Thank You, Jesus, for being right here and ready to lead. Thank You for revealing what You want us to know and how You want us to prepare for what will come. All the glory is Yours, Lord. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.
Read Daniel 12:1-2
The Time of the End
A time of distress is coming, but that time will also coincide with the return of Christ.
“Everyone who is found written in the Book of Life will be rescued.”
Many who sleep (in death) will awake to everlasting life, but others will awake to disgrace and everlasting contempt.
Faith makes all the difference.
Read Daniel 12:3-4
The spiritual wise will shine brightly. Those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever and ever. Light all over, Light in the Kingdom of Light. ‘….but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light.’ Ephesians 5:8
“Conceal these words and seal up the scroll until the end of time.” What do you suppose that means?
Read Daniel 12:5-7
The end will come. This for-telling Antiochus IV’s rule. The end will come of him. We today, are centuries beyond this. Yet the end of time will come.
Read Daniel 12:8-11
‘Those who are spiritually wise will understand.”
Read Daniel 12:12-13
I wonder if this number (45 days longer than 1290), means this is yet future focused. Yet… How blessed and beloved is he who waits expectantly and comes to the 1,335 days!
There will be resurrection. There will be and end of the age. Blessed and Beloved is he who waits expectantly. Enduring without wavering. Hold onto your faith. Grow your faith.
Thank You, Jesus, for these words, this book, this time with the words of revelation from angels. Thank You for Your never ending faithfulness. Bless each person who studied this with me and guard our hearts as we wait in expectation for Your return. In Your holy name, and for your glory, I pray. Amen.