Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, for He has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Praise His holy name.
Today we’re in Daniel 7, this part starts the visions and oh how I need Jesus to lead this part and all the rest He’s asked me to do, so let’s pray.
Lord Jesus I am so incapable of explaining all that is contained in these visions, so I need you to lead. I give it all to You. Take my hands and my mind and oh Lord, reveal all You want us to see in this lesson today. Thank You, Lord. All for You.
Oh yes, I read the NIV, so if you don’t have one, you can find it here.
Here we go. Read Daniel 7:1
Chapter 7
Daniel’s Dream of Four Beasts
Okay, we’re backing up from the last week, this happened before the writing on the wall story because the Babylonian king was still alive.
Do you dream? The promises of God say the young will dream and the old see visions and oh how I think maybe we should be in His word more often. He honors every minute your thoughts are on Him. Maybe we should write what we see.
Read Daniel 7:2
The four winds, okay, I will confess, wind is probably what scares me most. Not every wind, just the ones that are so loud and strong enough to churn up the great sea. Yet I know the One who controls the wind so He is where I go when that fear resurfaces. I just wanted to tell you that so if something scares you about this, or anything else, go to Him, He is so very trustworthy.
Read Daniel 7:3-4
The lion with torn off wings that stood like a man. Is most often interpreted as Babylon and king Nebuchadnezzar. In Daniel 2 this was the head of gold in his dream.
Read Daniel 7:5
The bear with ribs in its mouth can be said to be Media-Persia which is also the silver middle and thighs of the statue in Daniel 2’s dream.
Read Daniel 7:6
This one matches up to the same parts of the Daniel 2 dream’s statue but is also said to be Persia.
Read Daniel 7:7
This terrifying beast with iron teeth matches the legs and feet of the statue meaning it’s probably Greece or Rome. If you can remember the statue, the legs were clay and iron, not just iron. The horns are likely the number of kings.
Read Daniel 7:8
This is another king, one whose deeds likely make this ‘a little one’ comment, mostly a derogatory comment. If this beast is Greece, then it was most likely Antiochus IV, if it’s Rome, he’s yet to come, the antichrist, or maybe he has because John says ‘many of already’ come.
Whomever it is, he’s a boastful kind of evil. And as Daniel watches, God shows up.
Read Daniel 7:9-12
Yes, this is God, the Ancient of Days. This is often referred to as Judgement Day. The books were opened. The books that record human deeds. Yes, your deeds matter. What you do every day matters. Yet one of the books is the Book of Life and that book, oh yes, in Jesus, your name is in that book. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Read Daniel 7:13-14
He was given authority, glory and sovereign power – Ephesians 1 – it’s Jesus. Our redeemer lives. He is worthy of all our praise, all our worship. His Kingdom will never be destroyed; it is everlasting.
Read Daniel 7:15-18
The Interpretation of the Dream
Don’t you love how Daniel is so willing to go ask someone? I love how the one he asks dove right to the point. Please write verse 18. Or you can click here and download the printable I made for it.
Read Daniel 7:19-22
This beast was so terrifying that Daniel waited. This reminds me of another Scripture too, Matthew 24:22-25, Jesus speaking…
“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you ahead of time.”
God comes and pronounces favor upon the ‘elect’ ‘holy ones’ ‘those who believe and trust in Jesus’ And then the time came when they possessed the kingdom.v22
Read Daniel 7:23-25
Verse 25 is full of indicators of who this little horn will be. Times, time and half a time is often said to be three and a half years. Again, it is approximately the time Antiochus IV persecuted the Jews but if it’s Rome earlier here, and this is the antichrist, then it’ll be part of the great tribulation mentioned in Revelation 7.
Read Daniel 7:26-28
But the court will sit. He will be completely destroyed. And the holy people will receive the kingdom. The Kingdom will last forever. You can choose, be part of it now. Trust Him. Worship Him. Thank Him.
Thank You, Jesus for this, the end and the middle of this apocalyptic chapter assuring us of rescue, deliverance, Your Kingdom and God’s favor. Oh how I love the way you lead. In Your holy name, I pray. Amen.
Joyce says
You make Daniel so much cleared as you put this in line with other readings in the Bible. It also helps with the time frame explained. Thanks.