Happy Tuesday! You did it! This is the last chapter of John. If you’ve been reading along with me, you will have read the whole book plus studied along with me. Congratulations to you. It takes intention to keep at it. It takes time and effort to get through it and look at you today. You’ve learned a lot and my hope is that your faith has been more than confirmed but also grown.
Before we start, we’re going to pray, but even before that, make sure you have something to write with, something to write on and a highlighter if you’re inclined to highlight. I am reading the NIV so you’ll also need that if you have it. If you don’t, go here, this is my favorite place to read the Scriptures. And so many translations are available here.
Let’s pray:
Lord Jesus we’re so astonished and grateful that You rose from the dead and have given us more gifts than we can list in doing so. The first of which is forgiveness, forever and always. And in You we have everything, everything we will ever need forever. I thank You and praise You and ask with all the faith I can muster today, please help us, lead us and show us everything you want to show us in this final chapter of this book by John. All for Your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read John 21:1a (to the footnote)
Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
After; in this case it must be at least more than a week after His resurrection, He’s been with them in the upper room twice before this. What is the subtitle for this section?
Read John 21:1b-2
I love John’s commentary throughout this book. He’s so helpful in figuring out timing and who and what is going on. How many of the disciples are together?
Does it make you feel something to know that they are together, not having all gone their own way after seeing Him alive?
Read John 21:3
“We’ll go with you.” What do you feel when they say that?
I wonder if this was a return to something they knew or a way to find food or if it was just something to do while they waited. At any rate, they caught nothing. God knew what they were doing and it was His wish to keep them from catching anything so they didn’t catch a single fish all night long. He knows what you are doing right now too, every single moment of the day and night.
Read John 21:4-6
Early in the morning… isn’t it such good news that He never sleeps?
What is He calling you to see? “Friend, haven’t you any…?” “Do this….” And you will see something like they did, so many fish they can’t haul them all in. For you are his friend if you follow His commands.
Read John 21:7
I love John’s faith. You too can have faith like that. Ask. Don’t you want to know that He loves you as much as he did John? He does. You are as beloved as the beloved disciple was.
Peter, however, is more the take-action type. Some would say impulsive. Whatever it is, he left the others to drag in the net just to get to Jesus. That we all might be so willing to drop everything and run to Him.
Read John 21:8-10
You lack nothing when you’re with Jesus. He gave them fish, had bread and a fire going. Breakfast. He’s not just all we need spiritually but He’s also physically all we need. He knew they needed food so He provides. I love how He says “Bring some of the fish you have just caught.” Sure, he could make fish jump from the lake onto the fire if He wanted to but he has them in the net for the disciples to drag in and then gives them the chance to withhold what they have but invites them to participate in the miracle of breakfast by the question.
Read John 21:11-14
Remember, there are seven disciples in this story, if you can’t remember who is there, go back to verse 1. James and John are the sons of Zebedee. John was so astonished he counted the fish and marveled that the net wasn’t torn. I think He saw this as only God could do that. He was full of faith. He saw with the eyes of his heart. He knew it was the Lord before anyone else knew it. And he spent these few moments marveling at all God would do for them. That’s how he remembered exactly how many fish were in the net that didn’t break.
Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. vs13.
He’s counting for us too, see, verse 14.
Read John 21:15-19
Jesus Reinstates Peter
What is the subtitle for this section? (No these aren’t trick questions.)
It is not God’s will that anyone should perish. It’s God’s will that all should come to faith in His Son Jesus Christ and be reconciled to God the Father.
Read John 21:20-23
These four verses are proof that Jesus knows and has a plan for each and every one of His people. Write out the repeated question. Jesus says it and John repeats it.
“If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you?”
“Until I return.”
Yes, He is going to return. He’s close and He’s over all that concerns his people. Ephesians 1:22. He will rescue, deliver and gather us to join ‘Him in the air.’ 1 Thessalonians 4:17 We are eternally safe. Just be sure You have faith. That you believe He has come, died, rose from the dead and that He is God’s Son who is even now reigning ‘far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.’ Ephesians 1:21
This is Luke 24:46-47
He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.
Read John 21:24-25
These words are written so that you might believe. What wonder there is in Christ. The whole world would not have room for the books that could be written. What an amazing thing to suppose. This testimony is true. Every word of it.
This is the very last chapter in John’s gospel. We just finished it. Yes, another study will begin next Tuesday. In the mean time, live in and by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. He knows You. He has a plan for your life too.
Thanks for joining me in this study. I hope it not only confirmed what faith you have but also grew it in ways you noticed.
Thank You, Jesus, for this book, these words, this time, these people you bring to read this. Thank You for getting us all the way through this book, Lord. Lead us in the interim while we await the next study. The week between them is always a struggle. Guard us and lead us. In You holy name, I pray. Amen.