Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near. Revelation 1:3 NIV
Welcome to the next study on The last one was Daniel and now we’re going to read Revelation which is another apocalyptic prophecy.
For two reasons that I will state and likely others that just haven’t come to mind yet, I’m sticking with the AMP for this one. Those reasons: the bracketed explanations and the footnotes that further explain. Sure, if I feel the need to I will go to the Faithlife Study Bible I have too, or WikiPedia for history and map stuff, but mostly I’m in this to better hear what Jesus is going to say, because it’s only with Him that I can share what He wants said.
So let’s begin with prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, this is Your Revelation, so I’m asking, please clarify what You want us to see and to learn and to know. Please take my mind and my hands and lead us, Lord. In Your Name, I pray. Amen.
Here we go, please read Revelation 1:1-3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Blessing One:
Read. Hear. Keep. Heed these things, and take them to heart. The time is near. Nearer every single day.
Read Revelation 1:4-6
Message to the Seven Churches
To the seven ekklesia. That is to say, to all the ekklesia. The actual locations of the seven listed don’t mean they are all that count, for God knows all those who are His. I think this is basically stated in “to the seven” as seven is the number meaning ‘fullness’.
Grace and Peace from Him Who Is, Was and Who is to Come, and from the seven Spirits that are before His throne, and from Jesus Christ.
To Him who loves us and who freed us from our sins by His own blood—and formed us into a kingdom, priests to His God and Father—to Him be the glory and the power and the majesty and the dominion forever and ever. Amen. Yes.
Read Revelation 1:7
So it is to be. Yes it will be. O Come, Lord Jesus.
Read Revelation 1:8
Read Revelation 1:9
The Patmos Vision
This John, the beloved disciple, who also wrote the gospel, as well as three letters in the New Testament.
Our brother and companion in the _________ and ___________________________________ which are in Jesus. Patient Endurance, my dear friend, endurance is one thing the Scriptures consistently promise they provide. As well as the encouragement to hold on to our faith and our confidence that what we believe is true. That this faith we have in our God and Savior is true. That what He’s said and done and promised is all true. We have an eternal salvation
Please write out why John was exiled on Patmos.
Read Revelation 1:10-11
Refer to the footnote what ‘in the Spirit’ could mean. The Lord’s Day, in Greek, Kyriake, Sunday is what it means. His Resurrection Day is why Sunday.
A loud voice like the sound of a __________.
I was reading a book of Hebrew insights into this book and one of the things they pointed to was that back in Exodus when the people were begging to not hear God’s voice, it was because the loudness of it scared them. Only Moses was brave enough to enter the cloud of His Presence. I wonder if they heard the sound like a trumpet? We are blessed beyond measure to hear the still small voice of God but don’t think for a moment that He can’t speak in a loud, trumpet like voice. And please, draw near to Him. You are, in faith, cloaked in Jesus, so you have nothing to fear. Nothing.
Write what you ________. To see is to hear in Hebrew too. And this book is full of sound.
Read Revelation 1:12-16
So far: 7 Spirits, 7 stars, 7 churches, 7 lamp stands.
Please take a moment, to picture this Son of Man, Jesus. Picture Him. List it or draw it so you can understand.
Read Revelation 1:17-20
To Him be the glory and the power and the majesty and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.