May 26, 2020
Welcome! I’m so glad you’re joining us for this wonderful book, this fantastic study. This is session six, on Romans 5, so if you’re not ready for 5, go back and find the lesson you’re ready for. It’s still here. Otherwise, let’s begin, this is going to be fun.
Let’s Pray:
Yay, Lord Jesus, we’re here to learn from Romans 5! Amazing words. Amazing gifts. Amazing, You are amazing. Thank You for this time, these words, the way you put this lesson together, and all You’re going to do within and through and among us today. We’re ready. Lead us, Lord. Thank You. Amen.
Romans 5 NIV
Peace and Hope
Read Verses 1-2 slowly
Because we have been justified through faith, we have _______ with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through Christ Jesus, we have gained ________ by faith into this _______ in which we now stand.
[Footnote from the Faithlife Study Bible on Romans 5:2: this grace in which we stand Indicates not only a past event, but also a present reality made possible by the work of Christ on the cross.]
And we boast in the _______ of the _______ of God.
[Footnote on 5:2 in AMP: In the NT the word “hope” expresses a cherished desire along with the confident assurance of obtaining that which is longed for.]
If we take that definition from the AMP footnote and flesh it out to be
We boast in the _______________ desire and confident _____________ of the glory of God. Cherished desire and confident assurance of obtaining that which is longed for, in this case, the glory of God. Do you think this is Glory to God for God or God’s glory we’ll get because of the grace in which we now stand? Think about it. Pray about it. Ask Jesus, what this means.
Read Romans 5:3-5
Not only do we boast in the hope, we ________ in our sufferings, because we ______ that _________ produces _________; perseverance, ___________; and character, ________. And Hope does not put us to _______ because God’s _______ has been poured out _____ our _______ through the ______ _______, who has been_______ to us.
[Footnote on 5:5 in the Faithlife Study Bible: has been poured out in our hearts The Greek verb used here, ekcheō, can be translated “to pour out” (Titus 3:6; Acts 2:17). Through the presence of the Holy Spirit, every believer experiences God’s love and therefore can have hope despite sufferings.]
Read Romans 5:6-7
When we were powerless, ________ died for the __________.
________ rarely will ____________ die for a _____________ person, though for a __________ person someone might __________ dare to ________.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
Read Romans 5:9-11
Since we have been _________, we shall be saved from God’s _______ through Jesus.
[Footnote on 5:9 in the AMP: The “wrath of God,” with the definite article in Greek, anticipates the outpouring of God’s wrath on rebellious sinners in the tribulation period (cf Rev 6:16, 17).]
In verse ten we were ____________ to God and will be ________ through Jesus’s _________.
Not only Justified and at peace, we have received __________________ through our lord Jesus Christ so we can _______ in God.
Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ
Read Romans 5:12-14
Sin entered the world through _______ man, and ______ through sin, and in this way __________ came to all ___________, because all ________.
When is sin not charged against anyone’s account? Where there is ___ _____.
Nevertheless, _________ reigned from the time of _______ to the time of _________ even over those who ______ ______ ______ by breaking a ___________________, as did ___________…
Read Romans 5:15-17
The gift is not like the ____________. Many died by the ___________ of the one ______, how much more did ______ _________ and the gift that came by the ______ of the One man, ________ _______, __________ to the _________.
Nor can the gift of ________ be compared with the __________ of one man’s _________: The __________ followed one ______ and brought ______________, but the gift followed ______ trespasses and brought _______________.
For if, by the __________ of the one _______, death reigned through that one ______, how much more will those who receive God’s _____________ provision of ________ and of the ______ of _________ reign in ______ through the ______ man, Jesus Christ!
Read Romans 5:18-19
Consequently, just as one __________ resulted in __________ for ____ people, so also one _______________ act resulted in _____________ and ________ for _____ people. For just as through the ___________________ of the one man the __________ were made __________, so also through the _________________ of the one man the many will be made ____________________.
Read Romans 5:20-21
Grace reigns through _______________ to bring _____________ life through ____________ __________ our ________.
Justified, Reconciled, Covered in His Righteousness and at Peace with the Trust and full of hope that one day eternal life will be one of our rewards. It is true, no one has conceived what God has planned for those who love him. But with all He has promised thus far in this book, it’s going to be wonderful, astonishing, beyond our imaginations and oh so very good.
Let’s pray.
Lord Jesus, thank You for this chapter, thank You for this study, thank You for this time. Thank you for the words evoking promises that You’ve provided and encouragement for our souls. Remind us this week of these words and make our hearts fully set on You. All the glory for You, dear Lord. In Your name I pray. Amen.